Slot Apps With Real Rewards

Real money slot apps can deliver the action that slot machines provide without any of the hassle. As long as you have a connected device of some kind, such as a phone, tablet or smartwatch, you’ll be ready to spin and win. And when we say win, we mean that you can indeed win huge jackpots as if you were playing in the casino.

Whenever you receive Bonus Money through our Promotions and Rewards that are Bonus Bank eligible (i.e. 1X play through on slot or video poker games), you will be able to add the Bonus Money to your Bonus Bank OR play through it immediately if no other bonus is active. You’ll want slot apps with real rewards to give you a little something extra for your gambling dollar. That could come in the form of deposit bonuses or other free perks. Our list of best slot machine apps for real money even contains slots apps with free spin bonuses.

Gambling Apps where you play casino games and win real money have become all the rage in the mobile gambling world. It makes sense that apps that simulate slot machine play would be popular as well, especially since many casino-goers prefer slots above all else. You can play slot games for money with these apps and get the same kind of excitement as you would from a live casino.

Slot Apps With Real Rewards free to play, you have the opportunity to dig through the site, and not only play the games, but Slot Apps With Real Rewards read what other players have said about their gaming experience. Feedback can also be found on all social media sites, which afford an honest opinion from our loyal players. The Best Casino Slot Games on FacebookThese are the Best Android Slot Games we could find (Well a few are for Facebook and iOS but still.) Actual Casino apps. Keep distance from real slot apps that offer real rewards but have no reviews or negative reviews. Yes, some online casino slots give real money rewards on winning. You need to invest in a little before you start making cash by playing real slots.

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There are many of these online slots apps available to you, as you’ll find out when you search in the app store. The key is knowing how to find the right apps in terms of their reliability and potential for payback. Otherwise, you could end up having a poor experience as you’re trying to win big.

In the following article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about these real money slot machine apps. We’ll explain how they work and the different types of mobile slot games you can get from them. We’ll also explain how to find the best slots apps to make the most out of your mobile gaming action.

Best Slot Machine Apps for 2021


Don’t make the mistake of thinking that it’s a good idea to sign up for the first real money slots app that you find. Take the time to find what the best slots apps are first. It’s an important choice for you to make, since you’ll have real money at stake.

We’re going to help you with that decision. After doing the research and checking out all the top casino slots apps, we’ve narrowed it down to the following list when it comes to the best slot apps. Check it out below.

Why is it important to know which real money slots apps stand out above the rest? Well, you can’t take the chance with a lesser site, especially when you consider all the things that might go wrong. You can have personal information compromised or the money that you used to fund your account can be lost or stolen.

Even if those worst-case scenarios don’t take place, you could still end up having an experience that is less than ideal. Why settle for a mediocre experience when you can have the best? The mobile online casinos with slots listed above can give you that kind of premium experience that you’re craving when partaking in online gambling.

How Slot Games Work on Real Money Casino Apps

It’s a good idea to have a feel for how online casino apps work before you get started. Having this knowledge will help you make the right choice when it comes to picking the app that’s best for you.

Method of Play

In terms of slots apps that pay real money, it’s pretty much the same thing as if you were in a casino. Once you’ve allotted a certain amount of money for play from the bankroll that you’ve established at the app, you’ll make a wager. You’ll then hit the button on the screen to activate the spin.

You’ll see the reels spinning as if you were playing within a live casino. And if the reels make one of the winning combinations listed on the pay table, you’ll win actual money in return for what you’ve bet.

Best free slot apps

As for how those reels spin, it’s the same process as you would find in a casino. Random number generator software within the game will determine the outcome the moment that you hit the button. The “spin” is just for show.

Multiline Action

One thing that you’ll find when playing slots apps that pay real money is that they mostly resemble the types of multiline video slots that dominate casino floors these days. You’ll see a grid on the screen with three rows full of five symbols each. And these different lines allow you multiple ways to win.

You can wager on as many lines as the real money slots app in question allows. When you do this, you’ll not only have chances at winning based on the horizontal rows on the screen, but also on lines that zig-zag across the screen. Playing in this manner allows for a much faster pace and a much greater chance of winning a lot of money in a short period of time.

Special Features

Multiline slot games apps often include extra features which will pop up as you play. These features are usually activated by some sort of predetermined spin. This can be a combination of symbols or even a single symbol appearing in a particular place.

Some of the possible bonuses you can earn with these types of games include the following:

  • Free spins: These allow you to win money with the right spins without risking anything while the bonus is in place.
  • Multipliers: These do exactly as they sound, multiplying your winnings from what they might normally be according to the pay table.
  • Special pay tables: These special pay tables usually offer more than what you would find on the normal one associated with the game.

Special features in real money slots apps make games a lot more fun to play and can really boost your winnings. Luckily, many of the top slot apps for real money offer these great features to you.

Choosing Slots Apps by Payback

If all other things are equal in terms of the app offering games, one of the ways you can choose is based on how much payback is expected. You can measure this in many different ways.

Payback Percentage

This is the easiest way to measure how a real money slots app will pay you back in the long-term. It is a percentage against a breakeven level of 100%. As it drops below 100%, the house edge rises.

If you were to play a casino app slot game that offers 95% payback, it would mean that you could expect your bankroll to be sitting at $950 after you’ve played $1,000 through the game. You’d be looking at a $50 loss.

Of course, this isn’t to say that your actual outcome will turn out that way. If you are playing a real money slots app for a small amount of time, luck will drive your winnings upward or downward. But once you play for a long amount of time, you can expect results closer to the payback percentage.


For some people, all they want to know about the real money slots apps is how much they can win on a single spin. Those thrill-seekers should then be in search of the games that have the highest amount on the pay table. If that’s you, you should also be aware of any special features or bonuses that can raise that amount even higher.

You might even be able to find certain real money casino slots apps that include progressive jackpots. A progressive jackpot is one that keeps rising as people play until someone hits that lucky winning spin.

Such jackpots can rise to impressive levels, depending on how many people are playing the app and how rare it is to get the necessary spin.


Variance measures the kinds of twists and turns you might expect your bankroll to take while playing a particular game on a slots app. When you’re playing a game with high variance, you can expect those swings to be drastic and frequent. Meanwhile, low variance slots games will offer you steadier play.

Each of these types of online slots app games have strengths and weaknesses. For example, a low-variance game will give you a better chance to play for a long time on a small bankroll. You’d just have to accept that you’ll have less of a chance at winning a lot in a short amount of time.

High-variance slots apps to win money give you just those kinds of opportunities. But you also have to be prepared for the possibility that your bankroll could become depleted in a hurry. You can usually tell whether a game is high or low variance by the discrepancy between high and low-paying spins on the pay table; the bigger the discrepancy, the higher the variance.

Advantages of Playing on Real Money Slot Apps

You might be wondering, if slots apps resemble actual slot machine play so much, then why do they stand out? In truth, real money slot machine apps possess many advantages over their casino counterparts. Take a look at just a few reasons why you might choose them.


This is the most obvious reason you would choose a slots app over an actual slot machine. With the slots app, you can take it with you wherever you go. If you’re fond of using apps on your smartphone, tablet, or smartwatch, you’ll quickly understand this.

Many people like to play casino games but don’t like the hassle of actually being at the casino. After all, that means dealing with the traffic to get there, the parking once you’re on site, and the crowds inside the place. With a casino slot games app, you don’t have to worry about any of that.


Casino websites can also provide you with slot machine play for real money without the need to be in the casino. But these websites often require you being at your computer to play them. If you’ve ever played slots games from a browser on a phone, tablet or watch, you know the experience can be a little lacking.

In addition, many people don’t like using their computer for gambling purposes. This is especially true if there’s any type of download necessary. With a real money slot app, you can keep your computer clear of all that.


When you go to a casino, you are limited to the slot machines that are there on the floor. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to find the game that you want to play. But there’s a good chance that it either won’t be there or will be occupied if it is.

When you’re playing a slot machine app, however, you have your pick of any game you want by searching the app stores to your heart’s content. And you never have to wait for it to open up. It’s like you have an infinite virtual slot machine floor at your fingertips at all times.

How to Choose the Best Slots Apps

Earlier in this article, we gave you a list of what we believed were the best slot machine apps available to you on various devices. Even though you can’t go wrong choosing one of those apps, it would be a good idea for you to familiarize yourself with the reasons they’re at the top. That way, if you need to, you can make a choice on your own.

Here are some of the qualities that you should be seeking from potential slot games apps.

Reliable Payback

If you’re going to be playing online slots apps for real money, you’re going to want to make sure that the money owed to you can be collected at some point. This means that the app possesses a system of deposits and withdrawals that is easily understood and clearly detailed. This will put your mind at ease as to whether you’ll be able to enjoy the fruits of your slots apps play.

Funding Flexibility

When you sign up for a real money slots app, the first thing you’ll have to do is decide how you want to fund your gambling. The best slot apps to win money give you many different options to do this, so you’re not boxed into using a payment method that doesn’t make the most financial sense to you.

Sights and Sounds

If you want the same excitement from slots apps for real money than you would get from an actual slot machine, you’ll want the same kinds of graphics, albeit on a smaller scale. The best slots apps can make you feel that same kind of rush when you hit a jackpot and see the lights and hear the sounds. In addition, these online casino slot apps can also bring you some of the intricacies of themed slot machines onto your small screen.

Big Bonuses

You’ll want slot apps with real rewards to give you a little something extra for your gambling dollar. That could come in the form of deposit bonuses or other free perks. Our list of best slot machine apps for real money even contains slots apps with free spin bonuses. Any app that doesn’t offer something to you for your business should be avoided.

Error-Free Gameplay

One of the concerns with inferior slot machine apps to win real money are technical problems. Imagine the frustration of being on the edge of a winning spin only to have the game freeze. With the most reliable real money slots apps, you don’t have to worry about it.

Helpful Customer Service

Even with a reliable slots app, you might end up having concerns, questions, or problems. The best apps are backed by outstanding customer service that will do whatever they can to help alleviate your issues. These customer service agents should also keep in steady contact with you to let you know about any new promotions or offers.

If you use these six qualities as a kind of checklist, you can be relatively sure of choosing a solid real money slots app. You’ll put your mind at ease with a little bit of research. And the effort it takes to do that will be well worth the peace of mind you’ll get out of it.

Where to Find Online Slots Apps

App Stores

Whether you’re an Apple fan, an Android user, or a devotee of another company, you’ll likely have an app store at your disposal where you’ll be able to download real money slots apps. It’s just a matter of searching these stores for the slot apps in which you might have the most interest. Most of these stores will have rating systems, based on customer reviews, that you can use to judge these apps.

Once you find real money slots apps for Android or iPhone, you’ll have to download it onto the device. Ideally, your favorite real cash slot apps will be ones that can be used on multiple devices. That way, you’ll never be without them in a pinch. If you aren’t looking for real money play, you’ll also be able to find free slots apps in any app store.

Casino-Based Apps

Most major casinos within the United States and throughout the world possess some sort of online component to their business. From there, it’s only a small leap to expect them to also have a gambling app of some kind. And it stands to reason that these apps will devote much of its space to slots games.

When you come upon the app listed on a casino website, clicking on it should take you right to an app store. If you use an app tied to a casino, it’s possible that any gameplay that you enjoy could be counted in loyalty rewards programs. Therefore, if you go to a certain casino a lot, it might make financial sense for you to choose a real money slots app from there, if there is one, in order to take full advantage.


You should never overlook this issue when it comes to choosing the right slots app. After all, you might find a real money slots app with great bonuses and a wide selection of slots games. But if it doesn’t work on your preferred device, it won’t do you a lot of good.

The good news is that most top gambling apps with slots games on them are available through many different stores for many different devices.

Slot Apps With Real Rewards

Therefore, choosing from the above list of Android and iPhone slots apps should be pretty safe for you in terms of compatibility. But if you go off the board a bit, you could run into some problems with using an app on the device of your choice.

Real Money Slots Apps FAQ

Slot machines are one of the casino games where luck is the driving factor. There isn’t anything you can really do to change your odds. Your chances are determined by the pay table and the predetermined frequency of winning spins.

One way you can control your slots apps play in a way is to choose your game wisely. If you choose a game that’s tuned into what you’re hoping to get out of it, such as long-term success or perhaps short-term high payouts, you’ll have a better chance of getting the results that you want.

As we just mentioned, there is no way to apply strategy to your slots play. You just have to hit the “spin” button and hope things work out in your favor. But there are ways to mitigate the edge that the house has against you.

One of those methods is to sign up for multiple free to install slots apps. If you do, you can get bonuses from multiple entities. When you apply those to your gameplay, you could cut into your projected losses. That can certainly help in the long run.

Slot Apps With Real Rewards Card

Ideally, you’ll be able to find your favorite slots variation on a top app, so that won’t normally be a dilemma. But if you find your favorite game isn’t available at one of the recommended real money slot apps, you might want to broaden your horizons and choose a different slots game.

The bad things that could happen when you choose an inferior site could easily outweigh any positives you get from your favorite game. It’s better to choose a solid slots app and then adjust to a different game. In that way, you’re protected from the negatives and can still enjoy the benefits that online slot machine apps offer as a whole.


Conclusion on Mobile Slot Apps

We hope that you now have a hold of the basics of real money slots apps and are ready to explore a little bit more. Take your time choosing your app, first and foremost. Then, get ready to enjoy all the action.

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